Greg Goldstein's Comic Art Gallery

Eric Powell — Goon 1, Jaws 0

The Goon #13, July 2005

Jaws is one of my favorite films. 

Probably top 5 if I really think about it.

In fact, anyone who knows me well, knows that I have a tradition of watching the film every year around the July 4 Holiday. (The film takes place in “real” time from about June 28-July 7.)

And of course, as discussed previously, I’m a big fan of Eric Powell and The Goon.

So, a page featuring the Goon vs. “Jaws”?  A no-brainer. (Ok, just a regular ‘ol aggressive shark, but still…)

My friends who are also super fans of both Jaws and Powell’s art — a bigger group than you might imagine — are also impressed.

Be careful at the beach, everyone. Last thing we need is a panic on the Fourth of July.