Greg Goldstein's Comic Art Gallery

Joe Staton — That’s A Stretch

Adventure Comics #471, May 1980

Remember when DC had some space for some comics that were fun, even playful?

How about Plastic Man, written by Marty Pasko and drawn by the talented and versatile Joe Staton. (Also, he and his wife Hillary are two of the loveliest people you will ever meet. Trust me on this.)

DC will bring back ol’ Plas someday — although, given the current state of the editorial mindset in the industry, there is always a chance he will come back as a schizophrenic who only thinks he can stretch. 

Trust me on this, too.

(Fun footnote. Someone at DC must have liked this story as much as I do — it was reprinted just a few years later in 1983’s Adventure #503, the final issue of the series.

Joe Staton — Magic and Madmen

The Batman and Robin Adventures Annual #2, November 1997

Batman saves the Zantana in this wonderful splash page by the ultra-talented and versatile Joe Staton. (It’s a sequel story to the Zantana episode of Batman Animated.)

And… that wraps up our week of posts celebrating DC superhero cartoons.

But it’s just the beginning of our Batman celebration — September 18 is the annual “Batman Day,” and the remainder of the month is devoted to the caped crusader.

See you on Tuesday.

Joe Staton — Green Energy

Green Lantern #143, August 1981

Continuing a celebration of Green Lantern’s anniversary this week.

Joe Staton somehow manages to channel a bit of Gil Kane and a bit of Neal Adams on this dynamic Green Lantern action sequence from 1981.

I first started following Joe’s work (with writer Nicola Cuti) on the quirky E-Man from Charlton back in 1973 1975.  (Funny enough, it lasted 10 issues, and I kept all 10, which is unusual for me. Guess I really liked it.)

Shortly thereafter, he took over art duties on the Justice Society in All-Star Squadron, a book I also enjoyed.

This page is from Joe’s first run on Green lantern with writer Marv Wolfman, and this story introduces the extraterrestrial superheroes, Omega Men. Joe later returned on the Green Lantern Corps with writer Steve Englehart.

When conventions finally return (mid-late 2021 is my guess) make sure you visit Joe wherever —and whenever — you find him. He is truly one of the humblest and nicest creators in the business. And obviously, very talented.