Greg Goldstein's Comic Art Gallery

Mort Drucker — A MAD Look at Movies

Mad #154, October 1972

I heard the best story recently:

When artists Mort Drucker and Angelo Torres were creating those amazing Mad movie parodies (especially the earlier ones) they often had trouble acquiring official photo references. The solution? Torres would sneak a camera into the movie theater and quietly snap some photos for himself or Drucker.

In other words, the Mad artists were the original film pirates.

You have no idea how much I love that.

This classic Drucker page from a parody of the film “The Hot Rock” comes with a personal anecdote as well:

I discovered my pal Stuart Ng had three original pages from this story for sale about six or seven years ago. I didn’t want all three, I only wanted one (they’re huge — about 18×24), but even if I did, we couldn’t agree on price. (Hot Rock is one of my favorite films, and it’s one of Stuart’s also, and besides, it’s not like Drucker pages are lying around.)

So of course, every so often, I would revisit the pages, and of course, following the rest of the original art market, the price would increase and I couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger.

(Insert emoji of me slapping myself here.)

Finally… A few months ago, we had a meeting of the minds. He sold me one, and he knows it’s going into a good home. I paid more than I wanted to, he sold it for less than he wanted to, and that seemed like the making of a decent compromise.

And I think he still has the remaining two available, in case other Hot Rock fans see this post. Tell him Greg sent you.