Interlude — OAX, Better Late…
Original Art Expo, January 2024

Somehow, four months passed, and these pics from the Original Art Expo haven’t made it to the blog.
Welp, better late than never.
Greg Goldstein's Comic Art Gallery
Panels and Pages… Art and Artists… Creators and Conventions… Musings and Memories…
Original Art Expo, January 2024
Somehow, four months passed, and these pics from the Original Art Expo haven’t made it to the blog.
Welp, better late than never.
Mythos: Fantastic Four #1, December 2007
I don’t own another page like this one. In fact, I’m not certain I can recall seeing another page like this one.
I’m pretty sure there must be some out there, but four vertical page-length panels is definitely an atypical layout.
And here, it’s perfect. Four astronauts — Sue Storm, Reed Richards, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm — blasted by cosmic rays, and, well, you know the rest: They become… fantastic.
This page is an example of great visual storytelling by the terrifically talented Paolo Rivera. I love the character reactions and facial expressions here. Even though the team will shortly have superpowers, it certainly looks like a painful origin process to get there.
And for one member of the team, those powers might be more curse than blessing.
After all, his moniker is the Thing.