Ron Frenz — Lost In The Negative Zone?
Thor #405, Original “Lost” Cover, July 1989

Legend has it that this is the “lost” original cover for Thor #405.
As the story goes, Ron sent the pencils to Marvel, and it was misplaced before Marvel could send it to Joe Sinnott for inking.
So Ron quickly redrew the cover and sent the replacement off just in time for deadline.
Eventually, this “first” original surfaced and Marvel returned it to Ron.
Ron ultimately sold it, and the purchaser had Bob McLeod finish it up.
I also think its entirely possible that Thor editor Ralph Macchio (or EIC Tom DeFalco) simply decided he wanted to change Thor’s positioning on the cover, which is pretty much the only material difference between the two versions.
Thor appears to be in more trouble in the published version, although that change could have come from Ron himself. (I like the figure positioning slightly better in the “original” version.)
It’s a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.
Or, just a fun story, take your pick. Either way, it is a nice piece of cover art.