William Stout — Creature Feature
Tribute to Ray Harryhausen, 2003

2020 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ray Harryhausen, movie visual effects pioneer who inspired generations of filmmakers. Interestingly, Harryhausen and Ray Bradbury, subject of our previous post, were lifelong best friends.
Harryhausen’s cinema creatures are iconic, including The Cyclops from his first color feature, the 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958).
Bill Stout drew this impressive Cyclops (plus a few supporting “characters”) to use as his cover for his tribute book to Haryhaussen in 2003. Stout has done a number of these tribute books, including one appropriately enough for Willis Obrien, Haryhausen’s special effects mentor.
The art ended up in the collection of film director Frank Darabont, and was auctioned off when Darabont sold much of his collection in 2019.
Leading comic art dealer Mike Burkey then acquired it, and I acquired it from Mike.
And now, to paraphrase, the Cyclops stops here.