Greg Goldstein's Comic Art Gallery

Ron Lim — Maximum Carnage

Spider-Man Unlimited #1, May 1993

Carnage organizes a group of like-minded maniacs (Shriek, Carrion, etc.) on a murderous spree in the infamous 1993 crossover event from Marvel. In the intro issue, Ron Lim delivers this terrific splash as Spider-Man tackles Doppelganger, an evil near-mindless version of Webhead created during The Infinity War saga.

The “Comics Code” was completely superfluous by now, if not an outright joke. This storyline, which is the basis for a video game, and influenced the second Venom film, features so much bloodshed and violence its pretty much impossible to keep a bodycount.

The Green Goblin is a pussycat compared to these guys.

Ron Lim — Army Of Doom

Fantastic Five #3, October 2007

Doctor Doom — Marvel’s first iconic super villain of the Silver Age* — celebrates his 60th anniversary this year.

And I have a question.

How are the MCU pros going to create a new on-screen look for the character that is true to form, but doesn’t look goofy as hell?  These folks are the best in the business, but that’s a hell of challenge. Lesser talents have failed, not once, not even twice, but three times.**

They could go all black (always a safe choice) and make the costume more technological and futuristic, but… I believe George Lucas already beat them to the punch by about 45 years.***

The comic book Doom costume is one of those that almost makes sense in 2D, but three-dimensional? Oof. 

I’m definitely looking forward to seeing the results, maybe even later this year, if we’re lucky.

And, as always, we digress.

Here, the versatile Ron Lim creates a dramatic splash page with the most Doctor Doom you will ever see in once place. You see, the good doctor has this cool hobby of building robots in his spare time. 

Lots of them, apparently.

Fun fact footnotes:

Ok, Sub-Mariner beat Doom by  a full issue — or more than 20 years, depending on how you count Silver Age vs. Golden Age — but I can’t fully embrace him as a villain. (This despite the fact that Doom and Sub-Mariner later appeared together in a comic book called Super-Villain Team-Up.)

** Two contemporary  big budget film  releases, plus the officially unreleased Roger Corman version. I probably shouldn’t count that, but I do. Sue me.

*** Lucas has yet  to acknowledge that Darth Vader is essentially a mash-up of two Jack Kirby comic book creations, Doctor Doom and Darkseid. C’mon George, fess up.

SDCC 2019 — One Year Ago

San Diego Comic-Con, July 17-21, 2019

I took the least amount of photos last year since I first owned an I phone about 11 years ago. Even though I (theoretically) had more time on my hands, I buried myself in a few time-consuming art trades, and before I looked up, the con was over.

But since I started the blog well after SDCC, I never actually got around to edit and post what I did take.

Now rectified. The full collection here, and some samples below.

Looking very much forward to the next physical comic book convention, wherever, and whenever, that occurs.