Dan Adkins — Was It Nightmare All Along?
Doctor Strange #170, July 1968

Nightmare prepares to reveal himself to a fallen Doctor Strange in the second issue of the Sorcerer Supreme’s solo title.
Ever since Marvel Films announced that Sam Raimi was going to direct the Doctor Strange sequel, I’ve thoroughly convinced myself that Nightmare would be a (or “the”) nemesis of the film. Horror, darkness and weirdness? Bring on Nightmare.
And then, we had a Scarlet Witch (w/Vision) TV series, where it appeared that Agatha Harkness was the big bad? C’mon, there’s more to that than meets the Eye of Agamotto, right?
After that, Shuma-Gorath (the giant one-eyed creature) appears in the Doctor Strange trailer? The same Shuma-Gorath (now called Gargantos because of legal reasons) who once “employed” Nightmare in the comics?
And the same trailer where both Strange and Wanda talk about…Nightmares?
Yep, I’m a Nightmare conspiracy theorist, apparently.
I have zero inside information.
I don’t even read most of the spoiler “news” on-line.
I am just convinced that some time before those last post-credit scenes in Doctor Strange 2 are finished rolling, Nightmare will have raised his hallucinogenic head. And I guess by this time next week, most of us will know whether I’m right, or I’m the one hallucinating.
And one more thought on the subject of hallucinogens and impersonations:
Who says that was actually “our” Doctor Strange in Spider-Man: No Way Home?
Just sayin…

Agatha all along? Maybe, maybe not.