Tony Harris — The Phantom Limb
Star Wars Special: C-3PO #1, June 2016

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker opens in two short weeks, and the Star Wars Skywalker trilogy of trilogies (I can’t bring myself to call it a ennealogy) will apparently conclude, 42 years after it began.
In honor, the next two weeks of posts will feature original art from Star Wars, showcasing one or more of the “original trilogy” characters.
James Robinson and Tony Harris (Starman) reunite for a one-shot C-3PO story that explains the droid’s red arm in The Force Awakens.
Their Starman run was one of the great comic book series of the late 20thcentury and it was nice to see them back together, even if only for a one-shot. And a pretty good one at that — a surprisingly moving tale about droid sacrifice.
The story is packed with eccentric droids in tight spots, and this splash is perhaps the best page in the book — a full image of C-3PO rendered with delightful and quirky detail by the talented Mr. Harris. He painted the striking “A” cover as well.
I love the final coloring, also by Harris, but as is often true, the art is especially striking in glorious black and white.
May the force… Well, you know.