Bryan Hitch — Happy (Mostly) Together

JLA #50, February 2001

I’m not the ideal audience for Zach Snyder’s vision of the DC Universe. 

I find it grim and dreary. Pretentious. Soulless. 

Ultimately pointless.

These “Elseworlds” versions of the characters are for someone, obviously, just not me.

The four-hour version (“Snyder Cut”) of Justice League isn’t as much as a movie, but a living collection of splash pages, complete with sound effects.

If you’re an art fan, especially, there are indeed some gorgeous images, many conveniently unfolding in slow motion so you can catch all the visual eye candy without pausing the stream.

But, like I said, as a movie, not for me.

Bryan Hitch’s great cover from 20 years ago (!) is the type of iconic image of the team I can embrace. Superman happy. Batman grumpy. Everyone else somewhere in between.

That seems about right.

Fun fact: The JLA has had dozens — if not hundreds — of incarnations during its 60-year run, but here, if you swap Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner version) for Cyborg, you end up with the modern Snyder team.