Blackhawk #2, April 1988

As I was preparing the earlier post today about Howard Chaykin’s Scorpion work for Atlas, I ran across an announcement that the 1988 “controversial” Chaykin Blackhawk series is being collected for the first time — along with some additional “modern” Blackhawk stories — into a deluxe hardcover.
I had forgotten that the series (originally 3 issues in “prestige format”) had never been collected. Each issue must have been optimistically overprinted. You can purchase copies today pretty much from any back issue comic book retailer — 30 years later — for less than cover price. I wouldn’t be surprised if Diamond Distributors still has them in stock.
Why was this series “controversial”? The alternate universe setting, the different spin on the lead character and his politics — or perhaps, most likely, Blackhawk’s sexual appetites — and an implied oral sex scene. Today, in an age of “mature” reboots and retcons, plus an overwhelmingly (and unhealthy) lack of interest in political history — even the modern kind — those features would hardly be discussed.
Controversy or not, Chaykin’s Blackhawk remains a worthy follow-up to his American Flagg series. It has many similarities — not the least of which is innovative and dynamic visual style and design throughout. It’s no wonder that when I started collecting original art again about 12-13 years ago, I was pleased to find this page available to purchase right off the bat.
Hawk-a-a-a indeed!
If you want to head down the academic rabbit hole on this subject, try this: