Thor # 238, August 1975

John Buscema is famously quoted as saying that when Jack Kirby left Marvel in 1970, he was surprised they didn’t close the doors.
You can quote me —
John Buscema is one of the top artistic reasons they didn’t have to.
Taking over, nearly seamlessly, for Jack on both Thor and Fantastic Four for about seven years on the former, three years on the latter (with just a few gaps) Buscema kept Jack’s cosmic spirit alive on those series. He didn’t draw like Kirby — he didn’t have to. He had his own artistic voice, which had by then defined the Marvel “House Style.” And this from a guy who also famously didn’t like superheroes!
This Thor “chapter page” has everything you would want: Badass Buscema action and Thor in every panel, with inks by the legendary Joe Sinnott.
Thoom on!