Luis Dominguez — Blowing Up the Cover

Jonah Hex #19, Unused Cover, December 1978

No contest — this Luis Dominguez unused Jonah Hex cover is much nicer than the final published version. 

The main problem appears to be that the unused version doesn’t match (no pun intended) the editorial narrative of the story. In fact, spoiler alert, the cover actually suggests the complete opposite. Based on the story (see below) Hex isn’t really interested in saving our explosive friend at all.

It’s fascinating that this cover was completely ready to go, with DC production logos and type fully pasted up when it was changed. Equally fascinating is that DC changed formats (reducing page count and lowering price) of the issue before the final version was printed, apparently at the last minute

Which leads me to wonder if it was cart before horse:  

“Hey Luis, we have to redo the cover anyway, so how about you make the art better match the story. Sorry about any confusion. Also, we need it yesterday.”

All idle speculation, of course. But to reiterate the main point: The unpublished version is much better, and a keeper.

Welcome to our second annual “Out West” week. See you on Thursday.