Greg Goldstein's Comic Art Gallery

Joe Kubert — In His Sights

Punisher War Zone #36, 1990

Joe Kubert just kept getting better… and better.

I didn’t realize Joe had worked on a Punisher storyline until I saw these lovely original art pages. And, no surprise, it’s a terrific looking arc, indeed.

Chuck Dixon is the credited writer, but the storytelling here is all Kubert. A unique page with eight small panels and that superbly dramatic half-splash close-up. (A perfect callback to the first panel.)

Kubert was in his sixth decade of professional work when this story appeared; and he was still drawing for more than another 20 years before he passed away at 85 in 2012.


Michael Golden — Able To Leap…

Pin-up (Unused Cover), Superman #600, March 2002

Michael Golden draws a terrific Superman here — likely with the most detailed and beautiful cityscape to ever appear on a comics page.

First it was commissioned as a cover — then it went into inventory — then it came back out as a pin-up in the 600th issue of Superman.

And look, I know it was just after 9/11, and the “American Way” theme made sense. But… when you look at the printed cover, and compare it at this amazing Golden piece, you simply shake your head at the missed opportunity.

(Side note: As noted previously, I am a sucker for “happy” Superman art.  If you had those powers, wouldn’t you be happy — at least some of the time?)

Herb Trimpe & John Severin — Love Lost

Incredible Hulk #154, August 1972

Herb Trimpe, inked by John Severin. 

Perfect Hulk art team on a pretty perfect Incredible Hulk page. 

Ol’ greenskin knows that somewhere in Hank Pym’s laboratory — and Bruce Banner’s brain — hides the secret to shrinking back down to the microverse. 

Why is this so important? I’m glad you asked. Our poor Hulk is lovesick and desperate to reunite with his beautiful Jarella.

Hulk in very panel: Raging, smashing, and blinded by love — and the self-awareness that he doesn’t retain enough of Banner’s smarts to work through it.

As noted, pretty perfect.

Wally Wood — Astonishing, As Always

Astonishing Tales #4, February 1971

Wally Wood drew four short Doctor Doom stories in Astonishing Tales. This page, from the fourth and final story is, like all of them, a Wood classic.

And yes, that’s the Red Skull lurking in the last panel. After all, what use is a super-villain story without another, even more twisted super-villain as the antagonist?

This would turn out to be Wood’s final output for Marvel Comics.

Took me a long time to pull the trigger on the “right” deal for one of these, and I’m glad to have finally acquired one.

Paul Smith — Joke’s On Us

Joker Speciality Piece, 2020

True Story:

Nearly everyone I spent some time with at NYCC 2023 ended up with Covid-19. I indeed returned from the show feeling a bit under the weather, but when I tested negative, I assumed I had a case of the more common “con-crud” and went about my business. 

Next day, I stopped at a local fast-food taco joint for a seasonal lobster burrito and COULD NOT TASTE IT. So, I went home and took the test again, tested negative, and napped. Woke up, ate dinner, still couldn’t taste a thing, and went back to sleep.

Next morning, tested again. Third time a “charm?” Nope, still negative. Did some homework, and learned the home kits have about a 15 percent false negative result. Called the doctor’s office, and the nurse told me to check back in if I felt worse. I could practically see her shrug through the phone.

Fortunately, I didn’t get worse, and my taste buds returned to normal in a few days. Covid? Maybe. Maybe not. Welcome to the 2020s.

Which makes this great Paul Smith specialty art even greater. In my case, The Joker could have burned the test, and it wouldn’t have mattered.

Oh, and the punchline: Where did I acquire this art? 

NYCC 2023. 

Kismet, no?

Frank Miller & Dave Gibbons — At War

Martha Washington Goes To War #1, May 1994

Sooner or later, some smart streaming service will discover Martha Washington, one of my favorite creator-driven series (series of mini-series, actually) of the 90s. All-star creators Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons teamed up to create a memorable post-apocalyptic USA.

Maybe it will happen right after we finally see an American Flagg streaming series; they could both be part of an American Dystopia block. 

Until then, the comics will have to do. 

And the original art, of course, like this great action page from the second series, Martha Washington Goes To War.

John Buscema — Man On Fire

Sub-Mariner #3, June 1968

Five straight weeks in the Spring of 1968. Five comic book issues drawn by the legendary John Buscema:

Sub-Mariner #3

Avengers #53

Sub-Mariner #4

Avengers #54

Silver Surfer #1 (38 pages)

Gems. Every single one. (And yes, I might be biased, because these comics are from my newsstand-era sweet spot — 1967-1973 — but I’m not wrong.) My guess is that only Jack Kirby ever had an achievement similar, or greater.

This Sub-Mariner page featuring Namor and Triton is the best Buscema superhero page I’ve ever owned, and unless an amazing opportunity comes my way, will likely remain that way. 

Dynamic inks from one of John’s favorite inkers, Frank Giacoia.

All action. 

Just terrific.

Neal Adams & Bernie Wrightson — Twice As Great

Green Lantern #84, July 1971

Opinions on Bernie Wrightson’s rare inks on Neal Adams pencils range from “dream team” to “dueling styles.”

Personally, I enjoy the combo, But Neal himself is said to have told Bernie he was better off going his own way. And that, I think, we can all agree upon.

As for this great Green Lantern page from Adams legendary run? The top panel feels more Adams dominant to me, and in the cool final panel I see more of Bernie’s efforts.

Your mileage may vary.

(Pictured below the published Green Lantern comic are a few more examples of the Adams/ Wrightson combo: A terrific Batman cover and the splash page to an El Diablo story from Weird Western #12.)

For more:

Jack Davis — Ace

Aces High #3, August 1955

An entire case of Champagne might be a bit much for a New Year’s celebration — unless you have a big crowd, and they all like to drink the bubbly.

Either way, Jack Davis brings us a killer EC title page from Aces High. A lovely way to start the new year.

(Fun fact: This page kicked around for a while as part of the complete story. When it was finally broken up, the pages sold very quickly — and at an aggregate price greater than the entire story.)

JH Williams III & Mick Gray — Dreams & Imagination

Promethea #14, June 2001

Criminally underrated artists.

Criminally underrated art team.

Criminally underrated artwork.

Seriously, each 2-page spread in Promethea is somewhere between great… and stunning. And yet, when pages sell at auction, the realized prices rarely reflect the quality of the work.

A definite head-scratcher, certainly. But a boon for collectors who want a terrific piece of art — from an Alan Moore project, no less — at a ludicrously low price.

And a lunar realm like this one seems like a good place to wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year. 

See you in 2024.