World’s Finest #3, Fall 1990

Crazy uncles… are crazy 365 days a year. So why is it on Thanksgiving especially we argue with them over domestic politics, international relations, trade wars, e-mail server locations, or any number of myriad topics bound to interfere with all that good food? (Ok, maybe we actually don’t see them the other 364.)
Here’s my suggestion. Let’s keep politics out of the Thanksgiving holiday, and if you must argue/debate/parry over something, keep it to pressing and nerdy comic book questions, like —
Which super villain is smarter (Luthor), which one is crazier (Joker), which one causes more trouble (tie). Essential topics like that. (And be thankful that while your uncle might be yelling at the TV all day, he’s probably not scheming to take over the city/nation/planet etc.)
And please, be polite. The only time you should be Rude is when discussing Steve. (No debate here — that was a bad pun.)
Also, if you look around the table and can’t find the crazy uncle, it might actually be you.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Back soon with our continuing celebration of Marvel’s 80thanniversary.