Marvel Knights Spider-Man #10, March 2005

Terry and Rachel Dodson provide the art for this dramatic and splashy page featuring ol’ web head in action underwater. Not your typical place for a spider, but hey, they do come up through the drain pipes one in a while, so why not?
(Apologies for that imagery to any of our readers that have arachnophobia.)
Marvel Knights was a lifesaving imprint for Marvel, which was in the middle of bankruptcy turmoil when the brand was launched in 1998. Original intended for grittier and “lesser” characters (Daredevil, Black Widow, Punisher et al), the brand was so successful that bigger stars of the Marvel Universe were ultimately incorporated, including our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Until, that is, the brand was completely folded into the main Marvel line.
But that is a story for another day.