Mike Sekowsky — Of An Era

Justice League of America #23, November 1963

Mike Sekowsky’s art and 70s pop music have characteristics in common for me: 

As a kid, I didn’t like either of it, and now I look back on both with a sentimental warm feeling.

It’s not easy to explain. But I was warned by one of my older colleagues this would happen.

Sekowsky’s art always felt too loose (and blocky) for me.  I realized he could draw any character of course, which made him the perfect illustrator for Justice League, but the end result never grabbed me.

Now as time has passed, and I smile when I see it. Possibly a primal nostalgic impulse. It seems like a perfect fit for the DC comics of the era.

This example, a cool Flash-focused page, with Wonder Woman on deep background, showcases some clear and inventive storytelling.

As for the draftsmanship? Like I said — things change. Now, it seems charming to me.

Excuse me a moment while I flip over Abba’s greatest hits on the turntable.