Erik Larsen — Blasted Idiots

Savage Dragon #2, July 1993

We continue with our month long celebration of the “Independents” — Independent creators and projects that continue to impact the comic book medium.

Two independent creations collide in the second issue of Erik Larsen’s Savage Dragon ongoing series in 1993, as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles drop in. Literally.

The large top panel of this fun action page inspired the cover for the issue.

Larsen and TMNT creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird share much more than just a passion for all things Jack Kirby. (I would bet that at one time, no one owned more DC Kirby art than the three of them.) They tell their stories with endless energy and panache, something that is often missing from more “mainstream” titles.

Larsen made headlines recently with the announcement that he was relaunching Ant, another Image creator-owned project originally created by Mario Gully. (Larsen purchased the character in 2012, and included her in the Spawn series he wrote shortly thereafter.)

Issue #1 of the new Larsen Ant series launches next month.

Meanwhile, Savage Dragon is now one of the longest running independent creator-owned series of all time. Issue #260 hits the stands in August as well.

Back here next Tuesday (7/20) with Frank Miller. Have a good weekend.