Gene Colan — Moody Detective

Detective # 560, March 1986

Continuing our art showcase in honor of the annual “Batman Day.”

Gene Colan was a perfect choice for Batman.

Dark, moody noir? Check. 

Acrobatics that defy the laws of physics? Check.

Shadowy forays into the supernatural and horrific? Check.

Gene had left Marvel after some heated disagreements with EIC Jim Shooter, and drew a number of titles for DC, but Batman was easily the best and most logical of the group.

This title page comes from his team-up with writer Doug Moench, following tales he created with Gerry Conway. It was interesting era for Batman, and included Batman’s return to the Wayne manor and his original Batcave for the first time in more than 10 years. 

Colan had helped Bruce make the move back a few years prior to this moody splash page.