Dan Jurgens & Norm Rapmund— Infinite Supermen

Countdown #40, September 2007

Dan Jurgens drawing Superman? Excellent. 

Dan Jurgens drawing seven different Supermen on one splash page? Absolutely terrific.

I’ve lost the thread on the DC multiverse. Is it infinite these days or finite? Do all versions exist simultaneously, or at different points in the timeline? 

It doesn’t really matter. As a long-ago former CEO of mine would say, this kind of pondering can make you reach for the Excedrin. 

(And, trust me on this, he had the largest bottle of Excedrin I’ve have seen to this day. It must have been a special order. But, as always, we digress.)

Fun fact: In Dan’s and inker Norm Rapmund’s original art, the Superman just to the left of “our” Superman, looks a bit like Jimmy Olsen to me. The coloring clearly modified the face in the published version.