John Byrne — World’s Fair(est)
Superman & Batman: Generations #1, January 1999

It happened at the World’s Fair.
Sort of.
Superman and Batman — along with Robin — first appeared together on the cover of the 2nd annual issue of World’s Fair Comics in 1940, issued to commemorate the 39/40 World Fair in New York City.
Shortly thereafter, that comic morphed into the ongoing World’s Finest Comic, and Superman and Batman appeared together on the covers all time.
But inside? Separate stories featuring DC’s most popular characters.
It wasn’t until 12 years later (1952) that The Caped Crusader and The Man of Steel actually met in one story. (More on that in our next post on Thursday.)
John Byrne creates an adventure that involves the aforementioned World’s Fair in his clever Generations series from 1999.
This is my favorite page from the series. It features all three heroes, plus Lois Lane, and sure enough, in that top inset panel, Lex Luthor as well.
Has there ever been another page this iconic in nature? All five characters in one small panel. And a gigantic splash of the four main ones. I missed acquiring this page once previously, but fortunately, I didn’t make the same mistake the second time around, albeit with a bit more pain in the wallet.
Worth it.